Basic Information
Title: Untitled (from the Artiste et Ordinateur (Artist and Computer) Portfolio)
Holger Backstrom and Bo Ljungberg (Beck & Jung)
Date Created: 1979
Edition Info: 75/100 framed / 82/100 unframed
Framed Dimensions: 30.5 x 24.5 in.
Unframed Dimensions: 26 x 19.75 in.
Medium: original inkjet drawing with chine colle
Inventory ID: Beck/Jung-1979-01 / Ordinateur-1979-02
inkjet drawing after an original unique plotter drawing
image and chine colle paper: 8.5 x 11″
artist’s name, title, date, and medium printed within the image
signed by both artist’s lower right
numbered lower left