Desire Obtain Cherish (D.O.C.)

Working under the alias Desire Obtain Cherish (D.O.C.), Jonathan Paul emerged as a street artist in the early 2000s. Merging street, pop, conceptual, and appropriation art, D.O.C.’s cast resin sculptures are marked by a subversive edge, satirizing status symbols and revealing a commerce-driven social conscience. A stint at an advertising agency helped D.O.C. understand the […]

Dmitri Cherniak

When you hear the word blockchain, it’s implied that you are talking about the “main net” where transactions have real monetary value. But there is a “test net” blockchain where developers can program and test their code before it goes live called Rinkeby. It doesn’t use Proof of Work calculations, and operates by what’s known […]

Harold Cohen

Harold Cohen (1 May 1928 – 27 April 2016)[1] was a British-born artist who was noted as the creator of AARON, a computer program designed to produce art autonomously. His work in the intersection of computer artificial intelligence and art attracted a great deal of attention, leading to exhibitions at many museums, including the Tate Gallery in London, and acquisitions by many others.[2] […]

Jean-François Colonna

Jean-François Colonna is a researcher at the Center for Applied Mathematics (CMAP) at École Polytechnique and is the director of Lactame, the Audio-Visual laboratory at École Polytechnique. For many, many years, he has been interested in what is called scientific visualization. The images obtained by viewing the results of numerical experiments will make it possible […]

D. Wallace Colvard

Information from artists site.  “The one overarching thing that I learned at an experimental curriculum at North  Carolina State University was how to see. At the same time, I had a keen interest in mathematics and the computer as a tool, and did special self-guided studies in that field. I can’t believe I got away […]

Claire Corey

Claire Ellen Corey’s work uses photographic images, painterly swipes, and collage of various mediums both directly painted or scanned and printed, then manipulated in the computer. She then paints, rescans and collages. The images are then printed out and reworked with oil, colored pencils and various mediums. These newly created worked-upon images are, in turn, […]

Charles “Chuck” Csuri

Charles A. Csuri was an artist, computer graphics pioneer, and Professor Emeritus, at The Ohio State University. He began experimenting with computer graphics technology in 1963, and by 1965 had started creating computer animated films, most well known of which is the ‘Hummingbird’ from 1967, purchased by the Museum of Modern Art, New York. The […]