P-156 A Cubic Limit I

signed and dated lower center artist name and title printed bottom edge lower left This algorithm uses the 12 edges of the cube as an alphabet. The number of lines slowly decreases towards the outside of the circle in a statistical procedure, while the cube slowly rotates.

P-148 Inschrift (Inscription)

signed and dated lower right   The drawing is constructed from a series of 2 horizontal solid lines spaced a distance apart. Between each pair of lines, a third line is broken up into short equal length pieces and a random sequence of 0’s and 1’s decides the position of each piece. For each short line […]

À la Recherche de Paul Klee (Looking for Paul Klee)

initialed and dated within the image lower right plotter drawing companion piece to the hand drawn version (seen here) text from the Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR, exhibition Vera Molnar – Speak to the Eye: In 1970, Vera Molnár was inspired by a Paul Klee painting of a chessboard comprising squares filled with parallel and oblique […]

Hildegarde Visions, P

signed, titled, and dated in graphite dedicated “For Anne with best wishes, Roman” in graphite along the bottom edge of the paper Strathmore Bristol 500 paper embossment upper right corner