Structure Study II

signed and dated 10 77 in ink below the image lower right titled, dated 10-1-77, and “12-layers” written in ink lower left corner of the paper Broomall Industries, INC. mark printed along the bottom edge of the paper hardware: Honeywell 635 digital computer software: DRAW in Fortran IV plotter: University Computing Company Draft-O-Matic

Complex Intersecting Line

signed and dated 11-27-’76 in ink lower left corner of the paper Broomall Industries, INC. mark printed along the right edge of the paper hardware: Honeywell 635 digital computer software: DRAW in Fortran IV plotter: University Computing Company Draft-O-Matic

Line Studies

signed, titled, dated, and numbered 9/10 below the image in graphite Rives BFK paper watermark lower right corner original images created in 1969 using: hardware: Honeywell 635 digital computer software: DRAW in Fortran IV (2) plotter: University Computing Company Draft-O-Matic collaged and printed as a lithographic edition of 10 in 1974

Coiled Line Studies

signed, titled, dated, and numbered 2/10 below the image in graphite Rives BFK paper watermark upper and lower left corners original images created in 1969 using: hardware: Honeywell 635 digital computer software: DRAW in Fortran IV (2) plotter: University Computing Company Draft-O-Matic collaged and printed as a lithographic edition of 10 in 1974

Werkstatt Edition Kroll

serigraph after a computer-generated original unique plotter drawing signed and dated lower right in graphite numbered 50/350 lower left in graphite title, dated, and copyrighted in print lower left corner hardware: Siemens System 4004 output machine: ZUSE-Graphomat Z64 plotter