Six Millions Spet Cent Soixante-Cinq Mille Teux Cent Une Sainte-Victoire (Six Million, plus one hundred and sixty-five thousand, two hundred and one Sainte-Victoire)

Basic Information

Title: Six Millions Spet Cent Soixante-Cinq Mille Teux Cent Une Sainte-Victoire (Six Million, plus one hundred and sixty-five thousand, two hundred and one Sainte-Victoire)
Artist(s): Vera Molnar
Date Created: 2012
Edition Info:
Unframed Dimensions: 8.25 x 6 in.
Inventory ID: Molnar-2012-01


an artist book printed in March 2012, edited by Bernard Chauveau, with an interview of the artist by David Quéré.

250 copies were printed including:
25 copies reserved for the artist and were signed and numbered from I to XXV
5 hors commerce copies reserved for collaborators and were signed and lettered from A to E
220 remaining copies are signed and numbered from 1 to 220 on the colophon page

8.25 x 12″ when opened

“When a few years ago, Vera Molnar bought a small notebook whose pages were each divided into four strips, Raymond Queneau’s opus, One hundred thousand billion poems, may have come to mind. But Vera Molnar set her own rules here. With a gouache pen, using four different colours and four different thicknesses she drew, on about a hundred pages, outlines of Mount Sainte-Victoire so dear to Cézanne’s heart.

All in all, this 112-page object book offers exactly 6,765,201 versions of Montagne Sainte-Victoire. If we were only to spend ten seconds on each, we would still need more than two full years to see them all.”
– Bernard Chauveau Gallery website


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