Basic Information
Title: Sine Curve Man
Charles “Chuck” Csuri
Date Created: 1967
Framed Dimensions: 40.75 x 41.5 in.
Unframed Dimensions: 36.25 x 37 in.
Medium: serigraph on plexiglass
Inventory ID: Csuri-1967-02
a serigraph after an original unique computer generated plotter drawing
signed and dated
“Csuri began this Sine Curve Man work with an original drawing and transformed it using the sine curve function. His abstraction of the face suggests parallels with early Cubist movements and manages, without having the advantage of color, to invoke the emotive qualities of Expressionism. A similar Sine Curve Man is in the permanent collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York.
A signed silkscreen, verso-printed on plexiglass in midnight blue, the Sine Curve Man with its simple lines and melting, echoing visages continues to eloquently evoke our very first encounters with digital visual technology.”
– The Artist’s Website