Basic Information
Title: Kristallines (Crystallines)
Georg Nees
Date Created: 1966
Framed Dimensions: 17 x 14.25 in.
Unframed Dimensions: 11 x 7.5 in.
Medium: ZUSE Graphomat Z64 plotter drawing on paper
Inventory ID: Nees-1966-01
titled lower right in ink
hardware: Siemens-Digitalrechner 2002
software: ALGOL Modification G1
output machine: ZUSE-Graphomat Z64
Detail images of the work
signed lower right and upper left in ink titled 1. Bild lower left in graphite this work is also sometimes known as Wurfel-Unordung (Cubic Disarray) this work can also be found in the collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum, UK
a portfolio of offset lithographs created after original unique plotter drawings and computer generated sculptures plotter drawings were programed and drawn between 1965-1970 using: hardware: Siemens-System 4004 software: ALGOL output device: ZUSE-Graphomat Z64 plotter sculptures were programed and created between 1965-1968 using: hardware: Siemens-System 4004 software: EXAP-1 output device: Sinumerik milling machine lithograph titles: 1(a). […]
a portfolio of various media created after original unique plotter drawings each work is numbered in print lower left on the reverse plotter drawings were programed and drawn between 1968-1970 using: hardware: Siemens-System 4004 software: ALGOL output machine: ZUSE-Graphomat Z64 plotter print information: 1(a). Neese/Rase Kubo-Oktaeder (Cuboctahedron) serigraph on paper 2(b). Zottl Schwarm (Swarm) computer-generated […]
serigraph after a computer-generated original unique plotter drawing signed and dated lower right in graphite numbered 50/350 lower left in graphite title, dated, and copyrighted in print lower left corner hardware: Siemens System 4004 output machine: ZUSE-Graphomat Z64 plotter