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Nicolas Schöffer

“Nicolas Schöffer (Hungarian: Schöffer Miklós; 6 September 1912 — 8 January 1992) was a Hungarian-born French cybernetic artist. Schöffer was born in Kalocsa, Hungary and resided in Paris from 1936 until his death in Montmartre in 1992. He built his artworks on cybernetic theories of contol and feedback primarily based on the ideas of Norbert […]

Marcel Schwittlick

Biography and picture are courtesy of the artist’s website: Marcel Schwittlick is a Berlin-based artist who uniquely blends digital and physical art through the use of drawing machines and algorithmic systems. His work spans generative art and plotter art, where he transforms digital cursor-lines into intricate, tangible artworks. Schwittlick draws inspiration from generative aesthetics and […]

Adam Smith

Adam Smith graduated from RISD in 1985 with his BFA. After moving to Cambridge, MA, he developed one of the first 3D CAD (Computer-Aided Design) applications. He then relocated to San Diego, where he worked for NASA as art director for a booklet, Global Change, later presented to the Reagan administration as the first NASA document acknowledging […]

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Brian Reffin Smith

Brian Reffin Smith (born 1946) is an artist, writer, teacher and musician born in Sudbury, Suffolk, in the United Kingdom, who won the first-ever Prix Ars Electronica, the Golden Nica, in Linz, Austria, 1987. He lives in Berlin, Germany. Brought up in Sileby, Leicestershire, he attended what was then an early comprehensive school, Humphrey Perkins School, at Barrow-upon-Soar. Smith studied metallurgy and metal physics at Brunel University (his sculptural use […]

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Spalter Digital Collection Library

The purpose of the Spalter Digital Collection Library is to catalogue the expansive variety of historical materials that relate to the work in the collection. The library includes rare artifacts, ephemera, books, articles, catalogues, publications, exhibition announcements, news paper clippings, magazines, etc.

Laura Splan

Laura Splan is an American artist working at the intersections of Science, Technology, and Culture. Her research-based studio practice and interdisciplinary collaborations culminate in multimedia artworks, exhibitions, and events. With an approach grounded in what she calls the “tactical tactile”, her work cultivates intuitive comprehension of the interconnectedness of cultural and biological systems in the […]

Sasha Stiles

Biography and photograph of artist courtesy of the artist’s website: “Sasha Stiles is a first-generation Kalmyk-American poet, artist and AI researcher widely recognized as a pioneer of generative literature and language art. ​ Her award-winning work fuses text and technology to probe what it means to be human in an increasingly posthuman era. Stiles is […]

Tavares Strachan

Tavares Strachan is a contemporary conceptual artist whose practice activates the intersections of art, science, and politics, offering uniquely synthesized points of view on the cultural dynamics of scientific knowledge. Aeronautics, astronomy, deep-sea exploration, and extreme climatology are but some of the thematic arenas out of which Strachan creates monumental allegories that tell of cultural […]

Kerry Strand

Kerry Strand worked with California Computer Products Inc. (CalComp) in the late 1960s, a company that, among other equipment, produced plotters. Strand won the first prize of the 6th Annual Computer Art Contest (1968) arranged by the magazine Computer Art Contest. His prize winning entry was the drawingHummingbird. In the same year of 1968, the […]

Lloyd Sumner

Lloyd Sumner was an early American computer artist, one of the first to pursue computer art as his full-time career. Sumner was born in Virginia, as the youngest of 13 siblings, and was orphaned at the age of 16. In 1962, he entered the University of Virginia and got a part time job working at […]

Goran Sundqvist

  Background Sundqvist, at Saab in Linköping, and later at AB Skandinaviska Elverk, used the Saab manufactured computer D21 at Skandinaviska Elverk to create a digital sound for Morthenson’s musical piece Neutron Star in 1967. In 1969, Sundqvist made the computer animations for Supersonics, a TV-film Morthenson made for Westdeutscher Rundfunk [7,10,11]. Morthenson met Sundqvist […]

Zdenek Sykora

Born in 1920 in Louny, a town in Northern Bohemia, Czech Republic, Zdeněk Sýkora is internationally recognized as a prominent experimental painter and artist. He began painting in 1940, studying art education and geometry at Charles University in Prague from 1945-47. His initial works, mainly landscapes, depicted the area around his hometown of Louny, especially […]