Welcome to the BETA version of the Anne and Michael Spalter Digital Art Collection database. Please note that content is a work in progress and should not be used for official purposes of any kind.
Media: ZUSE Graphomat Z64 plotter drawing on paper
artist’s name, computer identifier ER56, and plotter machine identifier Z64 printed lower right ER56 indicates the Standard Elektrik Lorenz computer used to program the plotter printer Z64 indicates the Zuse Z64 Graphomat plotter printer used to draw the print on paper The algorithm “Random Polygon” (which is part of the package compArt ER56) is […]
artist’s name, computer identifier ER56, and plotter machine identifier Z64 printed lower right ER56 indicates the Standard Elektrik Lorenz computer used to program the plotter printer Z64 indicates the Zuse Z64 Graphomat plotter printer used to draw the print on paper
artist’s name, computer identifier ER56, and plotter machine identifier Z64 printed lower right ER56 indicates the Standard Elektrik Lorenz computer used to program the plotter printer Z64 indicates the Zuse Z64 Graphomat plotter printer used to draw the print on paper