Yoshiyuki Abe

Yoshiyuki Abe (1947 – 2024) used geometric objects and stochastic processes to create his often colorful and chaotic “algorithmic visual art”. He earned his B.E. in Photographic Engineering at Chiba University in Japan, then his M.A.Sc., before beginning freelance work as a director and sound recording engineer on films. In the early ’90s, he began […]

Victor Acevedo

Victor Acevedo is a “desktop computer art pioneer” (ADA) inspired by a range of influences from M.C. Escher and Salvador Dali to R. Buckminster Fuller. Acevedo’s early works, in the late 1970s and early ’80s, were more traditional paintings and drawings, but in 1985 he adopted computer graphics as his primary medium. His first important computer graphic print […]

Daniel Calderon Arenas

Daniel Calderon Arena is a generative artist and educator and all around creative. He uses computer to make art that is interactive and generative, and has been doing so since 2017 His works explores generative space lateral. The code-based work he has recently done has tended towards the pectoral along with thoughtful use of color