Oscillon No. 1001 Negative

Basic Information

Title: Oscillon No. 1001 Negative
Artist(s): Ben Laposky
Date Created: 1959
Unframed Dimensions: 5 x 4 in.
Inventory ID: Laposky-1959-02


duplicate of an Aero Ektachrome film 4×5 photographic negative

“4 7 59 dup 1001” etched into upper margin
“oscilloscope by Laposky” etched into right margin
“1001 dup” etched into lower margin

Laposky used a cathode ray oscilloscope with sine wave generators and various other electrical and electronic circuits to create abstract art. These electrical vibrations shown on the screen of the oscilloscope were then recorded using still photography.

The color photos of the Oscillons were mostly made originally on Aero Ektachrome film, both 35mm and 4×5. Exposures vary from 1/20 at f1.2 to f2, closeup at about 15 inches from scope screen. Cameras used were a Praktica and a Nikon. For the 4×5 work a B&J press with a German war surplus aerial lens, an f2 tessar if 120mmf.1 was used. Most of the 35mm images were in motion in some or all of the traces (besides the electron beam motion itself). The 4×5 traces were taken at about 1/2 second, also at f2, and usually were static, the trace motion stopped by sync circuits in the oscilloscope. The black and white photos were made mostly on Linagraph film, a special high contrast film by Kodak for oscillograph photography. Some 4×5 work was done on Royal Pan and other fast films.


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